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Goodbye 诺基亚.

动态2021-04-15 02:19:41
最佳答案 I& 8217;m总是为此而努力,但品牌是人们购买手机时的主要事实。购买iPhone,背面的Apple标志是您的一部分& 8217;re after 说& 8220;

I’m总是为此而努力,但品牌是人们购买手机时的主要事实。购买iPhone,背面的Apple标志是您的一部分’re after.

Goodbye 诺基亚.

So, now that the assimilation of 诺基亚 is complete, 微软 is beginning the gradual tune-out of the 诺基亚 brand according to documentation revealed by 极客小工具。内部机密文件证明已删除“Nokia” and there’s also news that the 卢米亚 830 and 卢米亚 730 will be the final devices bearing the 诺基亚 name. After that it’ll be 微软 卢米亚, and 诺基亚 will start to become just a hazy memory.

Goodbye 诺基亚.

它看起来也像“Windows Phone”而是改为术语“Windows”, so buyers will effectively see a 微软 卢米亚 device powered by 视窗.

It’s difficult to define my feelings on this. At one time, 诺基亚 seemed undefeatable. Everyone had a 诺基亚 in their pocket or knew someone that did. From the “brick”带有可拉式天线的手机,蜿蜒曲折,坚如磐石 诺基亚 6210 and beyond. Even as 安卓系统 and iPhone handsets exploded onto the scene, some people would still buy 诺基亚 featurephones because they were reliable, well-built and usually had a battery that lasted a week.

Goodbye 诺基亚.

但是,现在有没有人真正在乎呢?那些以前购买诺基亚功能手机的人现在可能已经转向价格更便宜的Android智能手机,iPhone 5c或价格更便宜的Lumia设备。诺基亚品牌已经减少。无论’比任何人都更强大或更受人尊敬“Microsoft” or new “Lumia”品牌是一个大问题。

微软 are beginning the stitching-up of their OS offerings. The tablet, the desktop, the laptop, the phone –全部由Windows驱动–看起来都差不多。你也会被同化吗?
