更新至2013 Nexus 7以解决触摸屏问题

每日动态2021-03-29 06:04:00
最佳答案 谷歌 is today pushing out its first post-release update for the 2013 Nexus 7 谷歌& 8217;Paul Wilcox确认了公司

更新至2013 Nexus 7,以解决触摸屏问题

谷歌 is today pushing out its first post-release update for the 2013 Nexus 7.

谷歌’Paul Wilcox确认了公司’的产品论坛上,确实已推出新固件来解决某些Nexus 7所有者报告的触摸屏灵敏度问题:

就像你们中提到的那样’一个新的系统更新’开始为您的Nexus 7s推出。此更新确实解决了该线程中讨论的触摸屏问题。如果你’遇到触摸屏问题的人之一,请告诉我们’s going after you’已经收到并安装了更新。


Are you seeing anything on your Nexus 7 yet? As is always the case with 谷歌 updates, you might need to wait a few days before it’推出平板电脑。

